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Find Public Comps and Valuation Multiples Effortlessly

Trusted by leading investment banks and consulting firms, Multiples is a modern alternative to Pitchbook and Capital IQ. Access institutional-quality valuation data and benchmark forward-looking public comps and valuation multiples like EV/Revenue, EV/EBITDA and 50+ other key EV ratios.

Accenture Accenture
McKinsey McKinsey
Kearney Kearney
Capgemini Capgemini
Wood Wood
Grant Thornton Grant Thornton
Alvarez and Marsal Alvarez and Marsal

Made for Tech-Forward Investment Banks, Consulting Firms and Professional Services

Leading advisory firms, investment banks and consulting companies use Multiples to win pitch engagements, benchmark client peers and get high-quality valuation multiples.

Create a Winning Pitch

No need to spend tens of thousands on big data providers - use Multiples to build a valuation section of your investment banking pitchbook, and create advanced analyses based on public comps and high-quality private transaction comparables.

Benchmark Client Peers

Browse through hunderds of verticals and quickly see how your clients trade against publicly listed peers, or recently completed M&A deals. Browse comparable forward-looking and historical metrics like EV/Revenue, EV/EBITDA, Gross Margin, Year-On-Year Growth and many more.

Get Accurate Data

Catering to accounting and tax specialits, valuation houses, and other professional services firms, Multiples delivers an unified valuation platform, with public and private valuation multiples across 220+ categories, to make your client engagements tiny bit easier.

Monthly and annual plans available

Financial Data Platform
Built For Digital Age

Access institutional-quality public comparables and M&A valuation multiples, through a modern UI and at a fraction of the cost of Pitchbook or Capital IQ.

Public Comps, For Tech And Beyond

Underlying data on Multiples is powered by analyst estimates from FactSet and Morningstar, so you can compare historical valuation multiples like LTM EV/Revenue, forward-looking multiples such as NTM EV/EBITDA, tech-specific benchmarks like growth-adjusted EV/Revenue and so much more.

See public valuation multiples
Public tech comps at multiples.vc Public tech comps at multiples.vc

Seamless Excel Integration

Automate your valuation benchmarking with an auto-updating Excel or Google Sheet template. Seamlessly integrate Multiples data within your workflow, create visual charts and export them to PowerPoint to build board presentations, valuation decks and other documents quickly!

Find out more

Groundbreaking Categorization

It's about time for a financial database that is built for tech, and not legacy industries. At Multiples we categorize all public comps and M&A deals across hundreds of themes and verticals, so you don't waste time on cleaning up data, and get to results faster.

See all sector valuation multiples

Verified M&A Valuation Multiples

We truly care about data quality, so our private valuation multiples are reconciled and manually verified. We source deal data from 3rd parties and legal filings, and combine it with our own proprietary database that we've built over 15 years of the investment banking career.

Private valuation multiples on multiples.vc Private valuation multiples on multiples.vc

Leading Investment Banks, Consulting Firms and Investors Use Multiples

McKinsey McKinsey
Grant Thornton Grant Thornton
Wood Wood
Kearney Kearney
Capgemini Capgemini
Accenture Accenture
Alvarez and Marsal Alvarez and Marsal
Portico Advisors Portico Advisors

Multiples is an absolute game-changer and saved me countless hours of analysis. User-friendly UI makes it incredibly easy to focus on metrics that matter the most.

Adam Hajer
Adam Hajer Investor at Russmedia

Extremely useful tool. I personally love the sector classification, which is much more updated and relevant to tech investors vs other tools in the market. It saves a lot of time!

Constanza Diaz
Constanza Diaz Investor at Octopus

I like the simplicity and fluidity of the Multiples platform, and the killer part is really the “verticals” classification - super useful when trying to find comps that are actually relevant.

Victor Huberson
Victor Huberson Principal at Partech

Fantastic tool for valuation analytics, unmatched data granularity. I love how accurate it is, super deep sector classification and modern UI. Makes my benchmarking very easy!

Victor Huberson
Marta Pyrzyk Investor at Lightrock

We used to spend countless hours searching through compss to extract somewhat reliable info. With Multiples, we now have a highly efficient tool that has become essential to our analyses.

Emmanuel Gallet de Saint-Aurin
Emmanuel Gallet Finance Manager at Breega

It's about time for tech bankers to get a user-friendly public comps database that is actually made for tech ecosystem. I like Multiples UI and breadth of market verticals.

Silvio Bellini
Silvio Bellini Partner at Trikon Advisors

Over 50 Tech-Specific
Valuation Multiples

We calendarize analyst estimates and raw financial data to deliver time series of comparable valuation multiples such as LTM/NTM revenue, forward-looking EBITDA, and operational benchmarks like ratio of marketing spend to revenue.

Enterprise Value
Earnings % Growth
Revenue per FTE
Market Cap
EBITDA Margins
Opex per FTE
Gross Margins
IPO Return
Net Margins
Growth-Adj. EV/Revenue
Rule of 40
Growth-Adj. EV/EBITDA
S&M as % of Revenue
G&A as % of Revenue
Stock Prices
Revenue % Growth
R&D as % of Revenue
Founded to IPO
EBITDA % Growth
Opex as % of Revenue
IPO to Today
Monthly and annual plans available

Benchmark All Relevant Private and Public Comps

You can benchmark through 10,000 handpicked public comps and more than 60,000 M&A transactions. Verified, calendarized and categorized, to make your valuation benchmarking a breeze.

Public Comps Based on Analyst Estimates

10,000+ companies, powered by    FactSet  and   Morningstar
Browse Public Comps
  • Where is the public data coming from?

    Underlying analyst estimates and raw historical financials are powered by FactSet and Morningstar. We manually reconcile and calendarize the data to ensure fully accurate comparison between different fiscal year-ends.

  • What valuation multiples can I compare?

    You can benchmark 50+ valuation multiples as well as time series data based on analyst estimates (forward-looking) and historical financials. Example comparables available for all public comps are EV/2026E Revenue, EV/NTM EBITDA, EV/LTM Marketing Spend, and many more.

  • How accurate are public valuation estimates?

    Our data is institutional-quality, powered by FactSet and Morningstar, calendarized in-house by us, to deliver a time series of metrics, such as NTM Revenue from analyst estimates. As an additional accuracy layer, we run a proprietary red-flagging system to spot-check any suspicious-looking data points.

  • How does the "red-flagging" system work?

    For an additional sense check, our system identifies any valuation multiples which have changed beyond realistic levels from one data update to another - red flagging them to our team for a manual review. This is done via our proprietary software tool that mirrors and tracks Multiples database development.

  • How wide is the public company coverage?

    We cover 10,000+ handpicked public comps across all industry verticals, with an emphasis on digital sector. We guarantee a complete global coverage of the broad tech, media, telecom and healthcare ecosystems, plus all relevant stocks from traditional industries.

  • How do you select and curate public comps?

    Our universe encompasses the global economy, with a special ❤️ for tech. Public comparables are selected based on their size and relevance (we exclude 'dead' micro-caps).

  • Why Multiples instead of Pitchbook or Capital IQ?

    While legacy providers cater to massess, we aim for the digital ecosystem through novel method of sector classification, higher quality multiples and modern UX. This, and we're 90% cheaper 😏.

Private Valuation Multiples, Verified

60,000+ M&A transactions    Adevinta Zynga Adevinta Zynga
Browse Private Valuation Multiples
  • Where are private valuation multiples coming from?

    Deals and private valuation data is sourced through proprietary research, including Bloomberg, MergerMarket, press releases, and other sources.

  • What deal valuation multiples can I compare?

    All our M&A / VC comparables have at least valuation disclosed. For the majority of our deal database we provide revenue and/or EBITDA multiples when available.

  • How accurate are private valuation multiples?

    We triple-check deal data through a proprietary red-flagging system, compare with other verified online sources, and sense-check with our investment banking team. We exclude undisclosed, unrealistic or suspicious-looking data points. Our dataset is updated daily and continuously monitored for accuracy.

  • Valuation I found in the news differs from the one on Multiples. Why?

    Those disprepancies are most likely caused by differences in EV (enterprise value) and equity value (valuation reported). For example, for a large M&A deal with available information on target's net debt, we might adjust a valuation to fully reflect an accurate EV. If you believe we made a mistake, drop us a line here and we'll take a look!

  • How do you calculate EV / valuation for deals?

    We source valuation data from verified sources and, if data permits, apply our own logic to get to the EV. As stated above, for a transaction with available net debt information, we might adjust a valuation to reflect an accurate enterprise value.

  • How do you calculate revenue and EBITDA for deals?

    We source LTM revenue and LTM EBITDA data from company filings, press releases or other verified sources. If LTM data is unavailable, we take the next best-fit period (run-rate or calendar year), provided it makes sense in a given case. For example, if a deal happened in November 2024, we might take full-year revenue as a revenue benchmark.

  • How wide is the private deals coverage?

    We cover 60,000+ M&A deals globally, across all industry sectors, starting from 2014. Our near-term roadmap includes VC / growth funding valuation multiples (launching in early 2025).

  • Is your deal data more accurate than Pitchbook, Crunchbase or MergerMarket?

    Yes. While legacy platforms are larger in volume, we strive to be leaner on purpose. We declutter data by removing undisclosed or questionable-looking deals. All our multiples are continously checked against market sources. We estimate to have 27% more M&A valuation multiples vs. MergerMarket.

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