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Access verified M&A valuation multiples and public comps based on analyst estimates, at a fraction of the price of legacy data providers.

220+ Sectors
10K+ Curated Public Comps
60K+ Verified M&A Deals

Trusted by 500+ teams worldwide

Left Lane Capital Left Lane Capital
Silver Lake Silver Lake
Disney Disney
BlackRock BlackRock
McKinsey McKinsey
Hg Capital Hg Capital
Partech Partech
Smash Capital Smash Capital
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Verified Analyst Estimates Data, No BS

You can trust the numbers. Our public comps and valuation multiples derived from analyst estimates are powered by FactSet and Morningstar, while transaction data is sourced through a combination of proprietary investment banking research, verified 3rd party providers and a community feedback system.

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Multiples is an absolute game-changer and saved me countless hours of analysis. User-friendly UI makes it incredibly easy to focus on metrics that matter the most.

Adam Hajer, Investor at Russmedia Equity Partners
Adam Hajer
Investor at Russmedia

Connect every part of your entire business

Sector Classification Built For Digital Age

We split comps into 220+ granular categories across all industry verticals, with a special emphasis on digital ecosystems. You can filter through tech themes like cloud infrastructure or B2B marketplaces as well as compare to offline sectors like agriculture or logistics.

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Extremely useful tool. I personally love the sector classification, which is much more updated and relevant to tech investors vs other tools in the market. It saves a lot of time!

Constanza Diaz, Investor at Octopus Ventures
Constanza Diaz
Investor at Octopus Ventures

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Find Tech-Specific Metrics That Matter

Valuation isn't just plain revenue or EBITDA. With Multiples you can benchmark tech-specific, niche metrics like rule of 40, growth-adjusted EV/Revenue, revenue per employee, or R&D expenses to sales ratio.

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I like the simplicity and fluidity of the platform, and the killer part is really the "verticals" classification - super useful when trying to find comps that are actually relevant.

Victor Huberson, Investor at Partech
Victor Huberson
Principal at Partech

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Integrate Valuation Data Into Your Workflow

Our API offering caters to institutional investors, fund administration platforms and other providers that require high-quality valuation data. Seamlessly integrate Multiples data within your product - significantly cheaper (and faster!) than with legacy data providers.

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Fantastic tool for valuation analytics, unmatched data granularity. I love how accurate it is, super deep sector classification and modern UI. Makes my benchmarking very easy!

Marta Pyrzyk, Growth Investor at Lightrock and Angel Investor
Marta Pyrzyk
Growth Investor at Lightrock

Valuation Benchmarking
Doesn't Need To Be Painful

Our mission: to deliver institutional-quality data through a modern UI at a fraction of the cost of major data providers.


Analyst Estimates

Access metrics like NTM Revenue or 2026E EBITDA, powered by FactSet, calendarized and harmonized by us.


Verified Deal Data

Get M&A valuation data and over 27% more deal multiples compared to MergerMarket.


Deep Sector Categorization

Browse through 220+ verticals, so you'll never miss a comp or waste time removing unwanted data points.


Decluttered User Experience

Simplified offering, lightning-fast UI, reduced cognitive overload, cutting through noise for efficient analysis.


Valuations, Automated

Explore enterprise tier for API access, Excel automation, white-label and more solutions for automating valuations.


Save It, Share It!

Just like on Airtable, you can share a live, always up-to-date web view with your peers, even if they're not on Multiples.

Monthly and annual plans available

🚀 Valuation Multiples Meet Digital Age

We break down comps into 40 tech themes and over 200 industry verticals, because you deserve to use a database that isn't stuck in the 90s.

Mobile Gaming
Pet Care
ERP Software
IT Infrastructure
Consumer SaaS
GRC Software
Developer Tools
Industry 4.0
B2B Payments
Online Dating
Social Networks
Sports Tech
Online Travel
Energy Storage
Climate Tech
Air Mobility
Vertical SaaS
Plant-Based Food
Vice Tech
Console Gaming
Defense Tech
Explore Sector Coverage

See What Can We Do For You

We cater to investing and back-office roles, M&A professionals, fund support functions, and all other stakeholders within the digital ecosystem.


For investing and portfolio valuation roles at VC, growth equity, buyout funds, family offices

Financial Advisory

For investment bankers, strategy consultants, accountants, financial and tax advisors

Corporate Development

For in-house M&A teams, corporate development, internal strategy groups

Fund Service Providers

For fund administration software platforms, portfolio valuation service providers

Founders & CFOs

For company leaders and their CFOs, accounting and controlling teams


Contact us for API access, white-label solutions, Excel automation, embedded widgets and more

Institutional-Quality Public Comps and Private Multiples

We've built Multiples to modernize and democratize access to investment-grade valuation data. We partner with FactSet, Morningstar and other verified 3rd party providers to source analyst estimates and deal valuation multiples.

Learn More About Our Data
  • Where is the data coming from?

    Public comps and analyst estimates are powered by FactSet and Morningstar, while deal data is sourced through proprietary research, including Bloomberg, MergerMarket, press releases, and other sources.

  • How do you ensure data accuracy?

    Public company data is verified by FactSet, Morningstar and calendarized in-house to deliver a time series of metrics, such as NTM Revenue from analyst estimates. Private valuation multiples are triple-checked: run through our proprietary red-flagging system, compared with other verified online sources, and sense-checked with our investment banking team.

  • How wide is the coverage?

    We cover 10,000+ handpicked public comps across all industry verticals and 60,000+ M&A deals globally. Our near-term roadmap includes funding round valuation multiples (launching in early 2025).

  • How do you select and curate data?

    Our universe broadly encompasses the global economy, with a special ❤️ for tech. Public comps are handpicked based on size and relevance. Transaction comps must have a disclosed valuation to be included.

  • Why Multiples instead of Pitchbook or Capital IQ?

    While legacy providers cater to massess, we aim for the digital ecosystem through novel method of sector classification, higher quality private multiples and modern UX. This, and we're 90% cheaper 😏.

  • What if I need a professional valuation report?

    We cater to VC, PE and other investors offering concierge valuation services, including cyclical portfolio valuation for LP reporting, target valuations, fairness opinions and more. Email us at hi@multiples.vc for details.

  • Do you offer API or Excel integration?

    Yes. Email us at hi@multiples.vc for details.

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